It’s no secret we believe in digital marketing here at Veycom – it’s what we do. The power and potential of digital methods reach far beyond what businesses can achieve through word-of-mouth and traditional ad spend, giving you so much more bang for your buck.
UK businesses are already facing huge challenges that will need to be overcome if they are to survive 2021 and beyond. In the midst of these stormy seas, it would be all too easy to park your marketing strategy until you reach calmer waters. But now, more than ever, is the time to strengthen your focus on digital marketing.
Why? Well, thanks to travel restrictions, school closures and more people working from home, consumer buying patterns have changed and so, in turn, B2B buying. This is not a temporary blip; coronavirus has fast-tracked trends that were already in motion, and there can be no going back. We face a new world, and businesses and their marketing machines will need to adapt to survive.
With fewer face-to-face meetings, events and conferences, businesses need new methods of finding leads.
A major benefit of digital marketing during a global pandemic is that it needs no face-to-face contact, so its impact is not reduced by physical restrictions on people’s movement or interaction.
And there is even more good news for marketers – with shops closed and people staying home, people are spending more time online. As well as boosting e-commerce operations, the greater focus on digital gives opportunities for marketing teams to reach new audiences by exploring fresh channels, innovating and testing out new ideas.
We are telling our clients that now, more than ever, is the time to embrace all that technology has to offer; to truly immerse themselves in the world of virtual activations.
It’s time to revisit your marketing strategy to make sure you’re making the most of search engine optimisation (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC), social media, remarketing, video, and content marketing – as a minimum.
If this is all new to you or you’re not sure about how something works, you can always ask an expert to help you make the most of a software or tool. Or lockdown might be the perfect time to invest in learning new skills. Check out the HubSpot Academy, which provides an incredible free platform with comprehensive certifications, singular topic courses and bite-sized lessons.
The fantastic thing about all digital marketing tactics is that they are supremely measurable. You’ll be able to see which of your activities are giving the most quality leads and how much those leads are costing you, allowing you to track return on investment across your marketing spend. And you don’t even have to do that yourself – there are tools that will do that for you!
In fact, once you get into it, digital marketing is actually really straightforward. So, don’t worry about it. The world might be changing, but your business still has a great product or service to offer, there are people out there who still want to buy from you, and you can find those people. You just may have to work a little differently in order to do that.
If you’re already doing digital marketing – great! Analyse your activities to make sure you’re getting the most from your efforts, and crack on. But if you’re not, now really is the time to start exploring what digital has to offer. It might just give you that competitive edge you’re looking for to start the New Year. Good luck… and let us know if you need any help along the way.